

Ballarat High School is a leader in the provision of education to secondary students in our region. We develop students as a whole person, and support them as they navigate their learning pathway into adulthood. Working alongside families, we will impart the knowledge, life skills and wellbeing tools they need to take the next steps, with confidence, in their life journey.

We encourage interested families to see our school in operation first-hand and book a tour with us.


Enrolment Information


Enrolment Request


Key Dates


Financial Support






Bus Information

Book A Tour

Grade 6 students

Prospective students presently in Grade 6, and seeking a place for Year 7 in 2026 are advised the following:

  • Victorian Government primary schools will share an information pack and application form with students in early Term 2. This form must be completed and returned to your current primary school by Friday 9 May, 2025.
  • Non Victorian Government primary school students/families are asked to please download their information pack and application form for Year 7 from the button below and submit directly to Ballarat High School by [date TBC].

Download information pack here – [this will be available at the beginning of Term 2].

For more information please contact the Ballarat High School General Office or the Department of Education regional office on 1300 333 232 or swvr@education.vic.gov.au

Transition Leader

We recognise that the transition from primary to secondary can be challenging for some, and we strive to make this period at seamless as possible.

Transition Leader: Dani Bjelanovic

Our Transition Leader is responsible for developing positive connections with our community, including the coordination of transition programs for Year 6 students moving into Year 7 with us. Our Transition Leader is your key contact with any questions or queries relating to this process.

To optimise the support for students in their junior years at Ballarat High School, they will have two Core Teachers, one for Maths/Science and another for English/Humanities. This familiarity helps establish mutual connections and understanding between both educators and students, further smoothing the transition process.


Student Placement Policy

Ballarat High School adheres to the Department of Education Placement Policy which includes priority order of placement, and permanent address guidelines for schools. In summary:

  • eligible children and young persons have the right to be admitted to their designated neighbourhood government school
  • a student’s designated neighbourhood school is generally the school that is nearest the student’s permanent address as determined by the school zone.

School zone

Each Victorian Government primary, secondary and specialist school has a designated school zone. The Find My School website hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.

Information on this website is updated in Term 1 each year, ready for the Grade 6 to Year 7 transition period. The website can be accessed at: https://www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au

Questions about school zones can be raised with the Victorian Schools Building Authority Hotline on 1800 896 950 or vsba@edumail.vic.gov.au

Priority order of placement

Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled according to the Department of Education Placement Policy’s Priority Order of Placement as follows:

  1. Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school.
  2. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
  3. Where the Regional Director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school.
  4. Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds.
  5. All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may be enrolled at Ballarat High School based on compassionate grounds. This is an overarching consideration and does not form part of the Priority Order of Placement. Ballarat High School is permitted to assess and make a determination for exceptional circumstances applications on a case by case basis. When making an application for compassionate grounds, supporting evidence must be provided.


A sibling is defined broadly and can include:

  • students having one or both parents in common
  • step-siblings
  • students residing together as part of a multiple family cohabitation
  • out-of-home care arrangements, including foster care, kinship care and permanent care.

Students seeking enrolment on sibling grounds should be residing together at the same permanent address and must be attending the school at the same time.

Permanent residential address requirements

For the purpose of student enrolment in Victorian Government schools, the Department of Education considers a permanent place of residence as the address at which a student permanently resides at the time of seeking enrolment. If a student resides at multiple addresses, their permanent residence is deemed as the address at which they spend the majority of their weekdays.

If the student spends an equal amount of time at two addresses, both addresses will be considered the student’s permanent address and the student will be entitled to enrol in the designated neighbourhood school for either address.

All new enrolments and transfers to Ballarat High School are required to meet a 100 Point Residential Address Check. Documents provided, totalling at least 100 points, must show: 

  • full name of the prospective student’s parent/carer, and
  • permanent residential address.

To assist Ballarat High School in assessing your student’s eligibility for enrolment, please include the required documents (originals or certified copies) with your enrolment application.

When assessing your child’s enrolment application, Ballarat High School may make some enquiries to confirm the information provided on your application form is correct.

Enrolment applications may not be successful if the requested documentation is not provided.

If, after reasonable enquiries, the Principal does not accept that the address provided on the enrolment application form is the genuine permanent residence of the student, the placement or enrolment application may not be successful, or may be withdrawn.

Changes to student’s address after placement and/or enrolment offer

If, after a placement offer is made to the student, the student’s permanent residence changes or it comes to light that the address provided on the application form was not the genuine permanent residence for the student, Ballarat High School may withdraw the placement offer.

If, at any stage prior to the commencement of schooling at Ballarat High School your permanent residential address changes and the new permanent residential address is out of Ballarat High School’s designated neighbourhood zone, the offer of enrolment may be withdrawn.


    Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K) for international student enrolment. For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au

    Enrolment Request Form

    We appreciate the interest of all families considering partnering with Ballarat High School for their child’s secondary education. For those seeking to commence with us in 2026, please complete and submit our enrolment form below.

    Please note this is form is for 2026 enrolment requests for Years 8-12 ONLY. Year 7 2026 enrolment requests are NOT accepted via this form.


    Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (00861K). For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au