We extend student opportunities through the provision of exceptional facilities, catering to the pursuit of excellence across a range of fields, as well as to student wellbeing and the efficient functioning of our school.
An overview of these facilities, and details of their operation, can be watched in the 3-minute video.
We are connected to our community and are thankful to be able to share the use of our outstanding facilities with external groups. To find out more about the public use of our facilities, click here.
Administration & Student Services
General Office & Reception
8:15 am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday
General enquiries and student payments
Recess and lunchtime
Wide range of healthy food and beverages
Cash and card payment facilities
Sick Bay
Staffed during school hours with a First Aid Officer
Unwell students are required to report to sick bay
Parents and carers will be contacted as required
Inclusion Office
Dedicated rooms for student study, small group work and meetings
Targeted support for students with a disability is also provided in this space
Wellbeing Centre
Staffed with youth counsellors, adolescent health nurse and mental health practitioner, this centre supports our whole person care commitment
Academic Facilities
8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday
and 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Friday
A newly refurbished space which encourages the development of lifelong learning, a reading culture and research skills. Our Library supports learning programs via its own classroom space, an extensive fiction and non-fiction collection as well as online accessibly, along with a dedicated VCE Study Space.
Peacock Hall
Stunning gathering space for assemblies, events, and exams, this hall features stained glass window and art installations and is steeped in history
Sedgwick Centre | Arts and Technology Centre
Originally constructed 30 years ago this centre continues to evolve to meet the needs of modern day art and technology students, featuring contemporary learning spaces, new equipment and technology integrations.
Robinson Centre | Performing Arts
The Robinson Centre is our Performing Arts Centre. It houses our music and drama classrooms, as well as a theatre. It is also home to the school’s extensive instrumental music and band program. A commercial kitchen is the heart of our food technology classrooms which are also in the centre