Student Outcomes
At Ballarat High School, assessment and reporting assists us to monitor our students’ progress and successes, as well as areas for improvement.
Our Assessment & Reporting Policy provides information and insight into how this process operates at Ballarat High School.
We also have a Year 10 Handbook and a VCE Handbook which provided greater detail about assessment and reporting, of particular relevance to more senior students.
Formative assessments and summative assessments both have a place in how we measure learning progress.
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Formative assessment
- Learning intentions and success criteria
- Evidence of learning – use of questioning and checks for understanding
- Teacher feedback
- Peer and self-feedback
- Building self-efficacy and self-regulation of learning
Summative assessment
Formal assessment items or tasks that provide evidence of our students’ knowledge, skills and understanding at a point in time are referred to as summative assessments. These include:
- Common Assessment Tasks (CATs): Year 7-10
- School Assessed Coursework (SACs) or School Assessed Tasks (SATs): Year 11-12
We share the results from these tasks with parents and guardians via our Compass Learning Management system within the Learning Tasks section. Results are also included in our semester reports.
Reporting and feedback
Our students will receive two types of reports across a school year, interim reports and semester reports. Interim reports are issued at the end of Term 1 and 3 and include feedback about the student’s learning progress for the term.
Semester reports are issued at the conclusion of Term 2 and Term 4. These are a summative report that provides students and parents with feedback about the student’s achievements for each semester.
Additional progress updates are provided in the form of parent/teacher interviews which are held twice each year, in early Term 2 and mid Term 3. These sessions provide parents and carers an opportunity to meet with a student’s teacher to discuss their learning progress.