
Inclusion Programs

Referring Behaviour

For students to be referred to this program they must engage in one, or multiple, of the following behaviour/s:


The goal for the students during this program is to:

Literacy Intervention Program


The purpose of the Ballarat High School Literacy Intervention Program is to build confidence in our students’ literacy skills. The Literacy Intervention Program aims to cater to the individual learning needs of students who are in need of support to grow their literacy skills. This is achieved through small focus groups, where students will complete a range of curriculum and skills-based activities that help improve their reading, writing, and speaking & listening skills, and further engage them with their learning.

Referring Behaviour

  • PAT Reading Data is below Year 4
  • Need to grow their literacy skills


  • build confidence in our students’ literacy skills
  • build skills to help improve their reading, writing, and speaking & listening skills
  • further engage them with their learning

Numeracy Intervention Program


The purpose of the Ballarat High School Numeracy Intervention Program is to build student number skills and build capacity for real-life numeracy applications. The Numeracy Intervention Program aims to cater to the individual learning needs of students who are in need of support to grow their numeracy skills. This is achieved through small focus groups, where students will complete a range of curriculum, skills-based and hands-on activities. They will improve their basic Number skills and develop their number flexibility, while increasing their engagement with their Numeracy learning.

Referring Behaviour

  • PAT Numeracy Data is below Year 4
  • Need to grow their numeracy skills


  • build student number skills
  • build capacity for real-life numeracy applications
  • improve their basic Number skills
  • develop their number flexibility
  • further engage them with their Numeracy learning

GRIT / Recranked

Growth Resilience Initiative Teamwork


In the G.R.I.T program students will be restoring outdoor furniture, gardening, and completing woodwork items. We have recently incorporated the ‘Re-Cranked’ program into our GRIT program. This is facilitated by the YMCA and teaches students to service their own push bike, or work on someone else’s that then gets donated back. Participating students respond very positively to having this time away from class in a useful and respectful space.

Referring Behaviour

  • Students who would benefit from a positive role model
  • Students who are interested in ‘hands-on’ learning and could use a break from the classroom
  • Students who are struggling to make connections


  • develop their communication skills with both adults and their peers in a positive manner,
  • develop strategies for problem-solving both in and outside of school,
  • work in a supported hands-on environment, and,
  • achieve success in completing a physical task.



The Connect Program is a class focused on social and life skills. Students undertake tasks such as catching public transport, basic shopping for household items, cooking basic meals, as well as home tasks such as washing, making beds, and cleaning. It also incorporates education on personal hygiene, manners, and other employability and basic living skills.

Referring Behaviour

  • Poor social skills, possibly due to disengagement or ASD
  • Trouble making connections with peers
  • Would benefit from life skills


  • increase and practice their social and life skills in a small group space with the support of Inclusion Support Staff

Personal Training


The Underground conducts 2 personal training sessions a week at Ballarat High School, a qualified Personal Trainer engages with students with individualised programs tailored to suit them. This program has provided students the chance to get out of the classroom and work on their strength and flexibility in a supportive and fun environment.

Referring Behaviour

  • A student who may need to ‘let off steam’ in a controlled environment
  • Trouble making connections with an interest in sport/exercise
  • Students with physical disabilities that would benefit from strength and conditioning


  • empower students with confidence by allowing them to see what they can achieve,
  • allow students to create connections between students, and,
  • give a healthy break from a classroom environment that allows students to re-set.

Gymnastics & Fitness


The Gymnastics & Fitness Program comprises of Rock Climbing, Parkour, Gymnastics, and Group Fitness sessions. These activities are run by qualified and experienced staff, who are required to update their knowledge and skills regularly. All BALC staff have current qualifications relative to their position.

Referring Behaviour

  • Would benefit from engaging in activities with a physical outlet
  • Assistance with setting and achieving goals based on their progress for Rock-climbing, Gymnastics, and Parkour sessions
  • Developing their personal and team-work skills


  • build confidence, coordination, creativity, and self-discipline,
  • learn necessary progressions to develop basic gymnastics skills, and,
  • develop social and communication skills through team-building exercises.



The RISE program is an interactive program blending social emotional learning (SEL) and sport. It offers students the skillset and toolkit to manage stress & emotions from classroom to court. This ultimately further extends into life in a confident, empowering, and resilient way.

The Revved-Up SEL module focuses on self-reflection and behavioural change. It’s designed to encourage students to be mindful of how they think, feel, and act when they get angry, how they can cool down in challenging situations, and if faced with a situation they can’t avoid, how to ensure them and their friends remain safe without intentionally escalating the matter.

Referring Behaviour

  • various negative Compass chronicles
  • becomes heightened when something does not go their way, and cannot self-regulate
  • has been linked in with Student Services


  • improves ability to regulate emotions and manage stress,
  • their skills to connect and communicate effectively to strengthen relationships, and,
  • their self-awareness of emotions and decision making.

Art in Therapy


The Art Therapy Program provides a safe and creative space for students to express themselves through art. Through the process of creating art, students will learn mindfulness and foster social connections.

Referring Behaviour

  • Engaged with student services
  • Struggles with emotional regulation
  • Struggles with social connections


  • Provide a safe space for students to connect with others and explore their creativity through art
  • Assist in emotional regulation
  • Creating positive social connections

Creative Regulation


The Creative Regulation program supports a safe space for the exploration of creativity and collaboration, promoting social skills development and social-emotional growth. Students explore creative projects that allow them to work on self-expression and social awareness. These skills provide individuals with the ability to build their capacity to engage in social interactions, regulate emotions, and build meaningful connections in the yard and the classroom with their peers.

Referring Behaviour

  • Students who need a safe and quiet space
  • Students with minimal social skills and/or regulation skills
  • Students who have an interest in art or have a creative style


  • build their capacity to engage in social interactions
  • regulate emotions, and
  • build meaningful connections with their peers

Music Regulation


We are offering the opportunity to participate in small instrumental music classes. This can help with building music skills for students who find participating in the loud music environment challenging. We will be able to provide specialised instruction and support in areas such as guitar/bass, keyboard/piano, drums, singing and even music technology/songwriting. All equipment will be provided. No experience is necessary.

Referring Behaviour

  • Have an interest in music/learning an instrument
  • Students who need a small learning space
  • Students who may find a normal music classroom overwhelming or may experience sensory issues


  • Provide a safe space for students to connect with others and explore their creativity through music
  • An opportunity to regulate and relieve stress
  • Provides students a sense of achievement
  • Increases social skills

Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (00861K). For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au