
Support Structures

Our leadership team work cohesively to optimise student wellbeing and support their needs. The following leaders are our recommended points of contact should students or family seek wellbeing or inclusion support.


Stephan Fields

Years 7 and 8

Assistant Principal – Years 7 and 8: Donna Phillips

Sub School Leader (Years 7 and 8): Dani Bjelanovic

Team Leaders (Year 7): Jonathan Delacy, Stephanie Kallio, Nathan Patrikeos and Elizabeth Till

Team Leaders (Year 8): Jacob Borner, Lydia Brooks

The team leaders focus on building connections with our junior student cohort and providing them with outstanding educational opportunities, in a safe, secure and positive environment. These team leaders are the first point of call for parents with any questions or concerns.

Years 9 and 10

Assistant Principal – Years 9 and 10: Tim Davey

Sub School Leader (Years 9 and 10): Tom Arnold

Team Leaders (Year 9): Kelly Wade and Lachlan Marr

Team Leaders (Year 10): Nathan Thomas and Michael Groth

Years 11 and 12

Assistant Principal – Years 11 and 12: Sharon Eppingstall

Sub School Leader (Years 11 and 12): Will Leversha

Team Leaders (Year 11): Karen Lee and Belinda Wehl

Team Leaders (Year 12): Emily Marshall and Patrick Stewart

Transition period (primary to secondary)

We recognise that the transition from primary to secondary can be challenging for some, and we strive to make this period as seamless as possible.

Transition Leader: Dani Bjelanovic

Our Transition Leader is responsible for developing positive connections with our community, including the coordination of transition programs for Year 6 students moving into Year 7 with us. Our Transition Leader is your key contact with any questions or queries relating to this process.

To optimise the support for students in their junior years at Ballarat High School, they will have two Core Teachers, one for Maths/Science and another for English/Humanities. This familiarity helps establish mutual connections and understanding between both educators and students, further smoothing the transition process.

Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (00861K). For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au