2025 Booklists
2025 Booklists are now open for orders through Campion Education Australia
Below are the instructions for accessing the booklists and making your order:
The ordering website can be accessed from this link. You will also need the 4 letter resource code 7BHC to complete your order.
Attached are copies of the booklists in printed form – these cannot be used for ordering; that needs to be completed online.
BYOD Purchases
Information about BYOD recommendations can be found at this link
Second-hand Textbook Trading
Ballarat High School is conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to buy and sell their second-hand textbooks and other student resources. Ballarat High School provides parents with the ability to trade these second-hand items via the Sustainable School Shop website.
For the best results:
- Register on the Sustainable School Shop website
- List your items for sale
- List wanted ads for those items you are looking to buy
- The school’s booklists are loaded into the system to make listing ads easy
- The system matches the ads of buyers with sellers and notifies the buyer via email
- Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to trade
- Most trading will occur with other parents from the school
- Parents are well supported via Sustainable School Shop’s telephone (0438 743 444) and email help lines
- The system is simple and easy to use – If you don’t have a computer, internet access or an email address, please call the Sustainable School Shop for assistance
- You can pre-arrange the transaction and then trade after the texts are not required.