Bus Information
Bus Travel for Ballarat High School Students
If you live in country areas, you will need to contact the Country Bus Co-ordinator to apply for travel.
Country Bus Co-ordinator, Kylie: (03) 5334 3579
For all other areas, including Ballarat suburbs, Miners Rest and Cardigan Village please contact CDC Bus Lines www.cdcvictoria.com.au for information regarding bus times and numbers
CDC Bus Line: (03) 5331 7777
Travellers from Country Areas
Students travelling to Ballarat High School from surrounding country areas would normally travel on a free contract bus service. Parents/guardians need to ensure they are aware of the nearest bus stop to their residence and the time the bus stops there. In most cases the application to travel on this bus is made to the Country Bus Co-ordinator during the student’s Grade 6 year, after they have been enrolled at Ballarat High School. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to check that this has been done.
If the student resides more than 4.8 kilometres from the nearest bus stop and the School they are attending is the nearest zoned government school, then a travel allowance called Conveyance Allowance may be available for the journey to the bus stop. The claim form is available from the General Office and must be completed and returned by mid-February each year.
Travellers from the greater Ballarat area
Claim forms are available from the General Office and must be completed and returned by the first week in March each year. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to complete claims annually and to ensure the correct information is supplied as per the application.
Bus Services - Cardigan Village and Lucas
CDC Ballarat will operate these services on behalf of PTV. They can be contacted for additional information.
MYKI cards will be required and Conveyance Allowance maybe applicable. All students with an official BHS ID Card with the PTV logo on the reverse side, do not need to purchase an additional Student ID Card.
Attached are the official notices, timetables, and maps.
Changes to Bus Services for Miners Rest and Macarthur Park
From Wednesday January 29th 2025, four school special bus services will change in response to both population growth and enrolment zone changes in Ballarat.
Students from Miners Rest and Macarthur Park are now zoned to Mount Rowan Secondary College, however some students from these areas still attend Ballarat High School.
School specials in Ballarat will change to give students in Miners Rest and Macarthur Park public transport options to Mount Rowan Secondary College and Ballarat High School.
CDC Ballarat will operate these services on behalf of PTV. They can be contacted for additional information.
MYKI cards will be required and Conveyance Allowance maybe applicable. All students with an official BHS ID Card with the PTV logo on the reverse side, do not need to purchase an additional Student ID Card.
Four school special services will be changed:
- Route 11 Miners Rest to Mount Rowan Secondary College will extend to service Macarthur Park, and end at Mount Rowan Secondary College
- Route 33 Miners Rest to Ballarat High Station via Mount Rowan Secondary College and Ballarat High School will extend to service Macarthur Park and Mount Rowan Secondary College. This route will continue to service Ballarat High School and end at Ballarat Station.
- Route 6 Mount Rowan Secondary College to Miners Rest will now start at Mount Rowan Secondary College instead of Ballarat High School and will extend to Macarthur Park before ending at Miners Rest.
- Route 36 Ballarat High School to Miners Rest via Mount Rowan Secondary College will extend to service Mount Rowan Secondary College and Macarthur Park. This route will continue to start at Ballarat High School and end at Miners Rest.
Please refer to the timetables and maps below for specific changes