School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPBS) Support
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based framework for responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student self-regulation and an open, responsive management system for the school community which allows schools to improve the educational and behavioural outcomes for all students.
Ballarat High School is committed to ensuring school is a positive learning place for all students by providing regular professional learning enabling the ongoing implementation of the School Wide Positive Behaviours framework. School Wide Positive Behaviour involves the establishment of a continuum of strategies that support students and teachers. The continuum includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create positive school environments.
Ballarat High School uses a Restorative Practices approach to student behaviour and wellbeing. Restorative Practices, based on the concept of Restorative Justice, are the link between care and support for our students and discipline procedures. They have at their foundation the belief that student wellbeing is integral to teaching and learning and they are based on cooperation, collaboration and respectful dialogue. The objective of restorative practices is to offer an opportunity for the student to make amends and restore the relationship. When an incident or challenges occur, the two parties (staff and students) are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour and/or actions, helping them to understand how the situation came about and how they can change their action / response in the future if the same situation arises. Reflection opportunities allow growth for all parties involved.
Tier One – Primary prevention
Primary prevention is significant as it moves the college community from reactive approaches to proactive systems. Primary prevention cohesively unites the staff at Ballarat High School in using: 1) common language 2) common practices 3) consistent application of positive reinforcement.
Primary Prevention, through positive behaviour support, works for over 80% of all students in a given school and is a school wide approach.
Primary Prevention consists of the Ballarat High School agreed Behaviour Matrix, which outlines the expected behaviours and routines which are linked to our school values of Pride, Respect and Responsibility.
The BHS agreed Behaviours Matrix was constructed by seeking feedback from all areas of the college community. Within the college community we expect all staff to actively teach and reinforce positive behaviour school wide.
Tier Two- Secondary Prevention
Students who access the secondary prevention level of support equate to approximately 15% of students. Secondary Prevention is designed to provide targeted interventions to support students who are not responding to Primary Prevention efforts. Interventions within Secondary Prevention are more intensive and aim to teach replacement behaviours specifically and explicitly. Secondary prevention strategies at Ballarat High School are targeted through the implementation of a Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP). The PBSP for a student focuses directly on developing positive replacement behaviours and strategies which allow the student to interact positively, school wide.
Tier Three – Tertiary Prevention
Tertiary Prevention is designed to focus on the needs of individuals who repeatedly exhibit patterns of difficult behaviour. Students presenting behaviours within this tier are those with complex and chronic needs for whom both primary and secondary interventions have been insufficient to facilitate success. This accounts for approximately 5% of students. Tertiary prevention is best executed when it is conducted in a comprehensive and collaborative manner. Support is tailored to student’s specific needs and circumstances. This involves a comprehensive approach to understanding and intervening with the behaviour. Staff teams meet to work together to develop strategies, programs and systems that provide a higher level of support to individual students.
Tertiary Prevention will often involve appropriate functional behavioural assessment and the development of an associated plan. These can be comprised of individualised, assessment-based intervention strategies, including a wide range of options such as: (1) guidance or instruction for the student to use new skills as a replacement for problem behaviours, (2) some rearrangement of the antecedent environment so that challenges can be addressed, and desirable behaviours can be encouraged. (3) procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and reassessing of the plan as necessary. The plan will guide the actions of others to respond consistently, to reduce the distress of the student and to maintain the safety of all involved.