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All Year 7 – 10 students at ballarat High School will undertake a range of subjects as outlined by the Victorian Curriculum.  The Victorian Curriculum is the foundation to Year 10 curriculum for Victorian government schools. This curriculum outlines what is essential for all Victorian students to learn from Prep to Year 10. This incorporates studies from the following learning areas:  The Arts; English; Health and Physical Education; The Humanities; Languages; Mathematics; Science and Technologies. 

For further information about the Victorian Curriculum please see: http://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au/

In Years 7 & 8 we have developed approaches to ensure teachers have extended opportunities to work with the same group of students.

  • English and Humanities are taught by the same teacher, as are Maths and Science.
  • Students also undertake learning rotations through a range of other subjects which allow for broad learning experiences.
  • Students have the opportunity to select German or Japanese as a language study. 


In Year 7 and 8 all students are required to undertake a combination of studies from both the Core and Year 7 and 8 Art and Technology subjects offered.

Core studies must be studied by all students, for example, all Year 7 and 8 students study English and Humanities for 8 periods per week and Maths and Science for 8 periods per week.  Students also have the opportunity to study a Language subject, Music, Drama, and Health and Physical Education. 

Year 7 and 8 students rotate through Art and Technology subjects.  The rotational subjects offered are: Ceramics, Home Economics, Technology – STEM, Metal & Wood, Textiles – Clothing & Design, Visual Arts and Visual Communication & Design (VCD).


When students reach year 9 they embark on a new educational experience. 


Active in their learning

Resilient, prepared to meet new challenges

Connected to their learning peers and community

Happy about being at school

For more information see: ARCHFacts 2025


The Senior Years curriculum is structured in such a way that students are able to pursue pathways which suit their individual needs, interests and abilities.

At Year 10, students choose from a selection of courses that are provided within the Victorian Curriculum framework and are linked to students’ interests and abilities. 

Over the final two years students will complete a pathway to further study or employment.  They may choose to do this through studying for one of the following certificates:

  • VCE – Victorian Certificate of Education
  • VCE VM – Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major

By using the flexibility that exists in the Senior Years curriculum it is possible for students to tailor a course that best meets the needs of their individual learning pathway.

For more information see: High Facts 2025