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Ballarat High School is firmly committed to providing an inclusive environment for our students.
Inclusion is the belief that all children are different, will learn differently, and should have full access to the same curriculum. Students with disability are not expected to adjust to a fixed education structure – the structure is adjusted so everyone’s learning needs can be met.

Inclusion, and Disability Inclusion specifically, is based on the biopsychosocial model of disability. This model recognises that it isn’t the extent of the person’s impairment that matters so much as the extent to which society and the environment are inclusive of that person participating.

For some people, their impairments may limit their participation in activities. For example, cerebral palsy may limit a person’s participation in toileting and autism may limit a person’s participation in handling stress. But the extent or severity of these limitations is largely determined by how inclusive the environment and the people around them are. The more inclusive, the less limiting the impairment or diversity.

Strengths-based is:

Strengths-based is not:

Functional needs are the supports a student requires to assist participation on the same basis as their peers. The following applies:

Adjustment – an adjustment is a measure or action taken to assist students to participate in educational activities on the same basis as their peers.

Level of adjustment – this refers to the intensity (how much effort is needed to do the adjustment), frequency (how often the adjustment is needed) and personalisation (how unique or uncommon the adjustment is) of an adjustment.
