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Assessment and Reporting

Assessment and Reporting is an integral part of teaching and learning at Ballarat High School.

Assessment Policies

Our Assessment & Reporting Policy provides information on the assessment and reporting practices and procedures in our school.

Assessment & Reporting Policy

Our Yr 10 And VCE Handbooks provide further detail about Yr 10 & VCE Assessment policies and procedures.

Year 10 Student Handbook

VCE Student Handbook

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment strategies are embedded in our Instructional Model and are a key part of our teaching and learning program. At Ballarat High School we have 5 key strategies that underpin formative assessment:

  • Learning Intentions & Success Criteria
  • Evidence of Learning – Use of Questioning & Checks for Understanding
  • Teacher Feedback
  • Peer & Self Feedback
  • Building Self-Efficacy & Self-Regulation of Learning

Summative Assessment

Summative assessments are formal assessment items or tasks that provide evidence of students’ knowledge, skills and understanding at a point in time.

Students in Year 7-10 complete Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) and students in Year 11-12 complete School Assessed Coursework (SACs) or School Assessed Tasks (SATs).

Results for these tasks are published on Compass through the Learning Tasks section and are also included on the Semester Reports.


Students receive two types of reports across the year; Interim Reports and Semester Reports.

Interim Reports are issued at the end of Term 1 and 3 and provide students and parents with feedback about student learning progress for the term.

Semester Reports are issued at the conclusion of Semester 1 and Semester 2. These are a summative report that provides students and parents feedback about student achievement for the semester.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher Interviews are held twice a year, early Term 2 and mid Term 3 to provide parents with an opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers and discuss their learning progress.